Tips and Tricks From an Oral Surgeon After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom Teeth Extractions Arroyo Grande, CA

Wisdom teeth extractions are necessary to maintain your dental health. The dentist will assess the condition of your third molars first. After a comprehensive check, the dentist may recommend the removal of your wisdom teeth. Knowing how to recover from this type of dental surgery can help you prepare well for it. Here are some tips and tricks from an oral surgeon after wisdom teeth extractions.

Prepare well for the procedure

A consultation with the dentist can help the patient begin preparations for wisdom teeth extractions. Getting ready in advance will allow the patient to focus on recovery. Regular brushing and flossing may not be possible right after the procedure. Maintaining one’s dental health through daily oral care practices before the extractions can help the patient heal well afterward.

Preparing the home for one’s recovery is also important. Get the bed ready and stock up on soft foods. Program a lengthy playlist of pleasant movies or music. These can help the patient heal while staying comfortable.

The patient might feel groggy after the wisdom teeth extractions. Find someone who can drive the patient home. This person should also help the patient around the house for a while. Strenuous activities can slow down the healing process and even aggravate the pain.

Elevate the head while resting or sleeping

Keeping one’s head higher from the rest of the body while sleeping will reduce the risk of infection. Preventing excessive blood flow from circulating in the head can help maintain the clot in the extraction sites. Elevating the head can also bring down the pain and swelling. Place more pillows under the patient’s head and neck. Doing so will help keep the patient comfortable while healing.

Apply a cold compress

Pain and swelling will set in when the anesthetic wears off. The level of discomfort will vary from patient to patient. The dentist will prescribe medications that can manage these symptoms. Applying a cold compress can also help keep the pain and swelling down. Always keep an ice bag beside the patient during recovery.

Placing an ice pack over the affected areas right after the wisdom teeth extractions can also encourage clotting. Be sure to wrap the ice pack in cloth before applying it. This will prevent skin damage. The blood clot seals the extraction site. This helps the nerve endings and jawbone heal well.

Do not use drinking straws

Research shows that many people who have wisdom teeth extractions want to use straws because of the pain. After all, straws deliver the liquid straight into the back of the mouth. However, using a drinking straw can dislodge the clots in the extraction sites. This will make these sites prone to infection. It is better to drink without a straw and then tilt the head back to deliver the drink to the back of the mouth. This can help the extraction sites heal well.

Get enough rest

Wisdom teeth extractions will result in injuries to one’s gums and jawbone. Studies show that many patients want to resume normal activities as soon as possible. But skipping proper rest can delay healing. It can even result in more bleeding and swelling. Make sure to relax and focus on recovering after wisdom teeth extractions.

Eat cold and soft foods, as well as hydrate

These foods and proper hydration can help speed up one’s recovery. They help numb the pain, reduce swelling, and allow the mouth to rest. Ice cream, tofu, and mashed potatoes are examples of these foods. Drinking more water can also encourage the gums to heal. Staying away from acidic and salty foods can prevent more swelling and discomfort.

Take pain relievers

Wisdom teeth extractions are invasive procedures. The dentist will prescribe pain relievers to eliminate pain. There are also anti-inflammatory medications that can help bring down the swelling. Always follow the doctor’s instructions when taking them. This can help the patient become more comfortable while recovering.

There are over-the-counter pain medications available. But if the pain becomes overwhelming, call the dentist right away. Prescribing a stronger pain medication can help end the discomfort. The dentist will know the most appropriate type of medication for the patient’s situation.

A full recovery from wisdom teeth extractions will take time and mindfulness

Knowing that you need wisdom teeth extractions can be stressful. However, this can also help you prepare in advance for your recovery. It is important to work with your dentist from day one. Doing so can help speed up your recovery. This will allow you to enjoy your improved dental health sooner.

Request an appointment here: or call Wilson Oral Surgery at (805) 476-2567 for an appointment in our Arroyo Grande office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Arroyo Grande, CA.

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